[Vip-socialempowerment] Social Empowerment

Rachel Dubrow rdubrow2 at uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 16 15:30:59 CST 2006

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to send out an e-mail introducing myself. My
name is Rachel and I'm the new Director for the upcoming year!
I'm really excited about the project and getting to meet you
at events throughout the semester! I also wanted to let you
know that there are Recruitment Nights this Wednesday and
Thursday at 7pm in the Illini Union Ballroom. If you still
want to be a part of the Social Empowerment project, then you
don't have to go but if you want to check out some of the
other projects, feel free to stop by! Also, if you know of
anyone that wants to get involved, let them know about the
Recruitment Nights. I may be looking for coordinators for the
upcoming semester, so if anyone is interested, let me know and
I'll send you an application!

Looking forward to a great semester!

Rachel Dubrow
VIP Social Empowerment Director
rdubrow2 at uiuc.edu

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