VIP Special Projects: Upcoming Events! Come Volunteer!

VIP Special Projects vip.special.projects at
Mon Apr 4 14:55:50 CDT 2011

Happy Monday Volunteers,

We have some awesome volunteer events coming up, and there's still spots
left! Please email me if you have questions or would like to sign up :)

Also, for anyone interested, you are all invited to:

*The Sunshine Jubillee!*
*Saturday 4/16, time TBA*
*Illini Grove*
This is a end of year cookout to celebrate a wonderful year of volunteering!
please come enjoy free lunch and fun, as a thank you for giving back this
past year.

And now, for the volunteer opportunities you've all been waiting for:

Illinois Food Bank Fundraiser
When: Thursday 4/14 and Friday 4/15, both 11pm-1am
Where: Green Street
This event is being organized along with the VIP Hunger and Homelessness
Background: The Eastern Illinois food bank is looking to raise $13,000 for a
special event called Meals of Hope, which will will bring 55,000 meals to
need families in the C-U area.
To Volunteer: We will be collecting money on green street (aka canning)
Thursday and Friday of national Volunteering week. If you’ve never been
canning, I can assure you it is bound to be an entertaining experience.
Please let me know if you are interested in helping out either night!
Transportation: none provided

Locks of Love fundraiser
When: Wednesday 4/20
Where: Illinin Union, room 314 B
This event is being organized along with the VIP Blood project.
Background: Locks of Love is an organization that take hair donations to
make wigs for children who have lost their hair from cancer treatments.
There will be students from a beauty school coming to help out. Students can
choose to donate 10 inches to be made into a wig, or they can get a regular
hair cut for $5. all proceeds will go to Locks of Love.
To Volunteer: Volunteers for this event will be helping to staff the event
by collecting money, publicizing in the hall, and bagging hair donations to
be mailed in. Even if you only have an hour, we would love your help! If
interested, please email me when you are available that day and we can set
up a shift.
Transportation: none provided

Cans Across the Quad
When: Wednesday 4/27, all day
Where: Main Quad
Background: This event is U of I’s biggest canned food drive! campus groups
compete to see who can donate the most number of Cans, all of which will be
donated to Eastern Illinois Foodbank.

We will be collecting cans in the VIP office (room 285 in the union, by the
RSO office) from now until 4/27. Please stop by with donations, anytime!

To Volunteer: Specifically on the day of the event, volunteers will be
needed to help bring the cans down from the office onto the quad. this would
be a short event, less than an hour. If interested let me know when you are
free that day and I will coordinate the best time.
Transportation: none provided

Flower Planting Day
When: Friday 4/29, 3pm-5pm
Where: Champaign-Urbana Regional Rehab Center
This event is being organized along with the VIP Environmental project
Background: We will be helping to plant flower beds outside the
Champaign-Urbana Regional Rehab Center--a nursing home/rehabilitation
center--working alongside the residents.
To Volunteer: All supplies will be provided. Come relax and enjoy making the
center a more beautiful place at this fun event!
Transportation: provided
Kate Stephens  II  Special Projects Director 2011
Volunteer Illini Projects  II  University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
vip.special.projects at
If you like to be removed from this list serve, email me back at anytime.
Please Include any potential email addresses that you could be listed as in
the body of the email.*
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