VIP Special Projects: April/May Volunteer Events (volunteer before the semester ends!)

VIP Special Projects vip.special.projects at
Thu Apr 12 00:13:53 UTC 2012

Hi Volunteers!

Volunteer Illini Projects is getting a group together to volunteer at
the* Illinois
Marathon* on*Saturday April 28th from 9am-12pm*. This is a huge event
that *hundreds
of students in Champaign-Urbana* get involved in, so it would be a great
opportunity to help out and volunteer with your community! Volunteers will
be responsible for handing out water at one of the three on campus water

Please sign up to volunteer for this awesome event at:
  You will be contacted closer to the date with details about exactly where
to go. You get a* FREE T SHIRT* for volunteering!! If you are in another
group where volunteer hours are required, THIS COUNTS!

Also, VIP is hosting our annual Sunshine Jubilee right after the marathon *
at 12:30pm* (on April 28th), and we are inviting all VIP volunteers to
attend! This is a fun gathering at the Illini Grove (for a map, click here: where we
recognize you for your hard work and dedication and just hang out as a
group and enjoy some *food and snacks*. Because our shift for the Illinois
Marathon is right before the Sunshine Jubilee, it would be awesome if you
came to both events, but if you can only come to one, we would still love
to see you there to support the Marathon and Volunteer Illini Projects!

*RSVP to your Director by Wednesday April 18th* by responding to this email
so we have an idea of how many people are planning on going to each event
and how much food to provide!

Thanks for all your volunteering this year and I hope to see you at both
the Marathon and the Sunshine Jubilee!



Note-unfortunately what with my terms papers and all I will not be able to
go to most of these events so you will have to find your own
transportation. However, if enough people show an interest for either
Orpheum or EIF or both I can see if I can try to drive you there and back
at least.

Willy Wonka- volunteers are needed to help set up and supervise the event.
Pick whatever day works for you best and email Jessica Beckhart at
orpheumkids.volunteers at

Friday, April 20 8-10:30pm (evening event for adults only)
Friday, April 20 10-12:30am (evening event for adults only)
Saturday April 21 2:30-5pm
Saturday May 5 11am-1pm (set up)
Saturday May 5 12:30-3pm
Saturday May 5 2:30-5pm
Saturday May 5 5-7pm (tear down)

**Eastern Illinois Foodbank- The EIF needs a little more help in running
their booth at the Marathon Expo (April 26-27). Volunteers will take
donations for EIF cheer signs and distribute info about EIF and local
hunger.  **

Again, choose a date and time and email Kristen Costello at
KCostello at

The Marathon Expo is held at the Activity and ****Recreation** **Center****
 (****201 East Peabody Drive**, **Champaign****)

** **

Thursday, April 26 from –****

            3:30pm - 6:30pm****

            6:15pm - 8:30pm****

            8:15pm – 9:15pm****

** **

Friday, April 27 from –****

            8:30am - 11:30am****

            11:15am - 1:30pm****

** **

Jessica Gao  II  Special Projects Director 2012
Volunteer Illini Projects  II  University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
vip.special.projects at
If you like to be removed from this list serve, email me back at anytime.
Please Include any potential email addresses that you could be listed as in
the body of the email.*
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