[Bikecoop-announce] New Monday night hours and March 27th Bike Pick Up at the University

Anthony Cherolis acherolis at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 08:27:31 CDT 2009

Hello Bike Project Folks and Yippee for Spring,
Warm weather always revs things up at The Bike Project.  Here are a couple
of items that we thought you might be interested in:

*1)  New Monday Night Hours - 5:30-7:30PM*

   - These hours will be un-advertised to the general public and therefore
   less busy.  A great time to work on personal projects or work on organizing
   the co-op.  You're on our email list - so you get to hear about it first.
   - Much thanks to Alex, Eric, and Vince for stepping up and volunteering
   for a new night!
   - If others are interested in volunteering for hours, the best way to
   start is to start showing up at established hours.  Let the current
   volunteers know you want to help out and they'll find something for you to
   do.  Once you've figured things out, you may be able to start up some hours
   on your own or assist with established hours.

*2)  Friday, March 27th Bike Donation Pickup from the University - 11AM-3PM*

   - We'll be picking up approximately 30 more bikes from the University to
   restock the used bike reserves.
   - Need volunteers for pickup, transportation, and checking in of the
   bikes. Pickup will also include a scrap run to the metal recycler.
   - Those that can't do the pickup could assist with check in and tagging
   on Friday night or Saturday at noon.
   - Please RSVP if you can volunteer.  If you can provide a truck or
   trailer, let us know too.  Need to figure out if we should rent a trailer
   from U-Haul.

*3)  Sunday, March 29th @ 5PM - Bike Project General Meeting*

   - Lots of stuff going on, and we need to chat about some of it.  Pizza
   and soda will be provided.
   - See the agenda and add discussion items on the wiki -
   - We need a Membership Chairperson - a great opportunity to get involved!

See you out riding or in at the co-op.

Tony Cherolis
The Bike Project
Sunday Volunteer and Some Other Stuff
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