[Cgfc] Board Meeting Agenda for 3/14

Bob Cook bcook at ojctech.com
Fri Mar 14 11:33:06 CST 2003

Additions / Corrections to Agenda (5 mins)

Announcements (10 mins)

Facillitator Recommendations (15 mins)
    Last time Beth said that she would come back to the next meeting
    with several recommendations for how we could maximize the use of
    our time in meetings. I'm reserving some time in the agenda to talk
    about this. Beth, you may simply want to email your recommendations
    to us, in which case we can re-allocate this time.

Reports: (20 mins)
    -Coordinator Liaision (5 mins)
    -Outreach Liaison (5 mins)
        -Who is on the Newsletter staff; what are its goals?
        -Article for the Voice
        -Speaker for the IDF fundraiser
    -IDF Liaison (5 mins)
    -Treasurer Report (5 mins)
        -Unemployment Tax Forms

Current Topics:
    Communication with Coordinators (30 mins)
        Last time we talked about the response to Tim's "Coordinator
        Wish List" idea, and from that response we decided to reserve
        some time to discuss the tension that seems to exist between
        the coordinators and the board in order to hear perspectives
        on this. (10 min) From there, we should lay out some issues
        that the board should address, flesh these issues out by adding
        sub-topics within each that need to be addressed, assign a point
        person(s) to each and/or come up with a timeline for addressing
        the issue. (20 minutes) 

    Bylaws Revision: People's Coop Bylaws (15 mins)
        Last meeting we began looking through these bylaws. For this
        meeting we've agreed to read the rest of the bylaws before the
        meeting and to try to decide what to do with them. The goal for
        this topic is to answer these questions:
            1. Now that we have an outside example of what coop Bylaws
               can look like, is it a good idea to continue with the
               current Bylaws, or to do an overhaul? What are the possible
               benefits and drawbacks of each path?

            2. If we want to do a thorough revision of the current
               bylaws, can we consense that the People's Coop Bylaws
               will make a good start for such a revision?

            3. If yes to question #2, what areas in the People's Coop
               Bylaws will need focused revision in order to be useful? 

Total Estimated Time: 1hr 35mins

* Bob Cook              OJC Technologies                 *
* bobcook at onthejob.net  Engineering From the Right Brain *
*                       217-278-3933                     *
*                                                        *
*         "Kyrie Eleison...Dona Nobis Pacem"             * 
*                                                        *
*                                                        *

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