[Cgfc] Off hours shopping and keys

Clint Popetz clint at commongroundcoop.org
Tue Mar 18 16:31:40 CST 2003

Hello CGFC members,

The CGFC has been experiencing several problems regarding access to
the store during off-hours.  These include:

·	Theft of items both from the store and the storeroom
·	Doors left unlocked 
·	Lights left on
·	The produce cooler left open (resulting in waste of produce
	due to lack of moisture control)
·	Accounting problems due to items rung up incorrectly

While we all agree that we would like the co-op to be a place that is
as convenient as possible, the above problems have become increasingly
worse over the past year.  In addition, it is impossible to track down
who is causing problems, because there are an unknown number of people
who have keys to the store, and the key is also available in the safe,
accessible by anyone who knows the combination.

It has been decided by a consensus of the coordinators to enact the
following policy:

A.	The locks on the store, storeroom, and cooler room have been 
B.	Only coordinators will initially have keys to the store.
C.	A coordinator will open the store each day, and so a key will
	no longer reside in the safe.
D.	Off hours shopping will no longer be possible.  Anything to be
	purchased from the store must be done so during hours when the 
	CGFC is open and when the register has been opened.
E.	Anyone who feels that the need a key to the store will need to
	make a request to a coordinator, who will then bring the request 
	to the next coordinator meeting for approval.  

We hope that this policy allows us to provide a store that works
better and loses less money.  Feedback on this policy is welcome; you
can either drop a note in a coordinator mailbox, or attend the open
coordinator meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, at 5:30pm in
the General Meeting Room, across from the store and next door to the
CGFC office.

			-Your coordinators
			Lisa, Clint, Beth, Molly, and Brandy

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