[cgfc] CGFC Board minutes, 5/2/03

tanyalee tanyalee at students.uiuc.edu
Wed May 28 19:39:35 CDT 2003

Sorry for the *long* delay in getting these out.  There are minutes from 5/
16 as well, but unfortunately they're on a piece of paper in Illinois, 2000 
miles from where I am now (oops).

CGFC Board Meeting
Friday, May 2, 2003, 4:30pm

Present; Bob, Sehvilla, Eric, Tanya, Mike, Jamie
Absent: Karina, Tim
Minutes taken by Jamie & Tanya


Eric’s report on coordinators: Will go to meeting Wed 5/7.  Summarized 
coordinator minutes


Board’s role.  
--A set of proposals by Bob we could argue about and pass or not pass.  
Bob feels more comfortable possibly not passing

    Proposal:   I propose that the Board:
                    1. Consense that the Board's reason for being is:
                        a. to define and articulate a long-range
                           vision and long-range goals for the CGFC.
                        b. to have this vision and these goals approved
                           by the membership.
                        c. to, once approved, oversee the implementation
                           of the vision and goals through the creation
                           of organizational policy.
                    2. Consense that in approving the vision and goals
                       that the board has proposed, the membership is also
                       empowering the board to begin the implementation
                       of the vision and goals. (i.e., that the board
                       does not need to go to the membership for approval
                       of organizational policy).
                    3. Consense that there are essentially 5 types of
                       organizational policy:
                        1. Policy governing the relation of members to
                           the organization (bylaws)
                        2. Policy governing the relation of board
                           members to the organization. (board accountability)
                        3. Policy governing the relation of coordinators
                           to the organization. (coordinator accountability,
                           hiring and firing)
                        4. Policy governing day-to-day operations.
                           (including coordinator accountability to each
                           other, ordering etc.)
                        5. Policy governing the viability of the
                           organization. (budget)
                       -The board is responsible for generating policy
                        for type 1, and getting membership approval.
                       -The board is responsible for generating policy
                        for type 2, and reporting regularly to the membership.
                       -The coordinators are responsible for generating
                        policy for type 3, and reporting regularly to
                        the board.
                       -The coordinators are responsible for generating
                        policy for type 4, and reporting regularly to
                        the membership.
                       -The board and the coordinators are responsible
                        for generating policy for type 5, and getting
                        membership approval.
                    4. Brainstorm a division of responsibility that the
                       Tanya and Bob have begun to describe.

Includes examples of decisions and who would be responsible for what
brainstorming, feedback.

*Board decided not to consense on any part of the proposal today.

*Board decided to give itself an assignment: everyone write 5 interview 
questions to the membership eliciting their vision for the co-op is, 
including what role the board should have in the co-op.  These will later 
be posted on the email list and in the store, possibly organized in an 
"issue of the week" fashion.

*questions are due Friday, May 9.  Bob will sort through them for 
redundancy, and we will fine-tune them and decide how to implement the 
questions and how to use the answers at the next meeting.

*Eric will tell Tim about the assignment

Discussion of Summer Plans

Sehvilla – Gone May 16-18 (missing May 16 meeting);
	    and June 10-17 (missing June 13)
Bob – Gone July 1 – August 26 (missing 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/22)
Eric – Gone June 14-23 (missing June 13)
Tanya – Gone May 22 – June 12 (missing May 30);
	  and June 27-30 (missing June 27);
	  and Aug 11-24 (missing Aug 22)
Tim – 

Board terms expire:
Sept: Sehvilla, Karina, Tanya, Bob
Aug – Eric, Tim,

- make the most of meetings
- think of how to do stuff outside of meetings
- reschedule meetings where several are unavail.
- call in for meetings if we can get a phone in the room

Tanya announces she will be president of COUCH starting June 1 and 
therefore will be cutting back on CGFC activities.  Could resign from 
board, to be replaced in July, if it looked like she would be replaced.  
Otherwise, will continue to attend meetings, but do less outside.

Setting a tentative meeting with the coordinators

Some inconclusive discussion of a possible date.

Inconclusive discussion on the need for and purpose of such a meeting:

*This issue tabled until next meeting.  We need more time to think about 

Other Proposals on the agenda:
<sum> Generate Assignments for the Board Role Topic for Next 
subsumed w/in first discussion
<sum> Schedule Board Retreat--tabled

Meeting adjourned on time!

Next meeting: May 16, 4:30 pm.
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