[cgfc] conference for you

Liz Less libedlist at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 23:57:48 CDT 2004

When is Education Liberating? Session Two: Putting Standards to the Test
April 30 - May 1 in Urbana, IL
A FREE conference for parents, teachers, and community and university members.
Please register or get more info online at www.liberationeducation.org

This agenda is a basic outline for your scheduling purposes. Details will be added as workshop times are confirmed. Some possible workshops will be: 
History of Public Education
Testing in a Capitalist Society
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Effects of NCLB on English Language Learners 
AGENDA (updated 4/22/04)
(Location TBA, please call or email for details) 
6pm Potluck Dinner and Introduction, including a discussion of schools that prepare students for this society and schools that encourage creating alternatives
8-9pm Introduction to Workgroups* 
(At the Illinois Disciples Foundation, 610 E. Springfield Street, Urbana IL 61801) 
9-11am- Registration and Breakfast Discussion: What is No Child Left Behind? What are we going to do about it? (breakfast provided free of charge)
11-12:30- Workgroups*
12:30-2:30- Roundtable Lunch (lunch available for $5, please let us know if this is prohibitive)
2:30-3:45- Workshops
4:00-5:30- Workshops 
(at a location TBA)
8pm- Music, poetry, and dance party

(At the Illinois Disciples Foundation, 610 E. Springfield Street, Urbana IL 61801) 
11:00-12:30- Workgroups*
12:30-2:00- Roundtable Lunch Discussion (Lunch available for $5, let us know if this is prohibitive)

* A primary emphasis of this event is to encourage dialogue that draws on the experience of the participants. To this end, participants will join a workgroup that will meet multiple times over the course of the weekend. Current ideas for workgroups are: 
Opposing NCLB
(working against standardized testing) 
Alternative Techniques
(working within the framework of public schools) 
What kind of schools do we want?
(working towards alternatives to the current state of public education)

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