[Commotion-dev] Serval security summary

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Tue Apr 3 21:28:08 UTC 2012

Josh King <joshking at newamerica.net> wrote:

>I just wanted to share out a document for discussion that I got a while
>back and have been meaning to send out, namely a summary of some of the
>security architecture that the Serval Project is working on for
>Commotion. It's just a general summary at this point, but there will be
>more forthcoming.

Just scanned through it, and it is promising. Regarding the DH verification, we have been working on this at Guardian within our Gibberbot secure chat app. We have recently.implement the Socialist Millionaire Protocol for OTR and it works great. In addition, we are looking at linking your OTR key as a subkey of an on-device GPG key, such that the chat based verification can extend to other types of keys and methods of communications. We would love to think about how this might support the verification process in a crypto mesh.

You can learn more at https://guardianproject.info/wifi/PSST 


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