[Commotion-dev] OpenWRT AP not functioning

Dan Staples danstaples at opentechinstitute.org
Wed Jul 24 18:35:42 UTC 2013

Just built Commotion-OpenWRT from scratch today, and after going through
quickstart, the AP is not functioning. No beacons, and we can't even
connect to it as you would with an AP with a hidden SSID. It just isn't
working. We've tested on multiple picostation routers, with same results.

ifconfig reports the access point interface is up, it has an IP address,
and even iwinfo reports it as being fully functioning. Yet...there are
no beacon frames and we cannot connect to it.

Curiously, the ad-hoc interface is working just fine.

Anyone else run into this, or can confirm? Both OpenWRT core feed and
the packages feed are pinned to known-working revisions.

Dan Staples

Open Technology Institute
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