[Commotion-dev] Repository Consolidation

Josh King jking at opentechinstitute.org
Wed Jun 18 12:37:08 EDT 2014

Hi all,

Back in April, I proposed on the list a strategy for consolidating and
cleaning up several of our many repositories. Today, I'm pushing forward
on that. This should not have a major effect on most developers; the
main change right now is that we are consolidating all of our
LuCI-related repositories into luci-commotion (except for
luci-i18n-commotion). Additionally, all version numbers for those
packages will be synced up, although they will still be built as
separate packages by our build system. We will also be moving all open
issues from those separate github projects into luci-commotion. Finally,
we will also be backing up and then deleting several unused
repositories, including the LuCI projects that have just been vacated.

Hopefully this should all be complete by the end of today, although
there may be some build breakage for Commotion Router as this is
happening. With any luck, this will result in a more straightforward and
easier to manage structure for our many github projects.
Josh King
Lead Technologist
The Open Technology Institute
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