[Commotion-discuss] concerns about the NYT / mo jo mesh articles

Anthony Townsend amt3 at nyu.edu
Thu Nov 14 20:00:35 UTC 2013

i agree - great this is being seen as a movement.

is anyone else disturbed by the trend towards painting this as a potential threat to national security? you are all a bunch of renegades trying to hide from the NSA?

whether that’s true or not, its an incredibly sensational angle and creates the potential for serious backlash. when i read both of these articles in my mind i immediately saw Verizon lobbyists descending on Trenton with re-prints and legislation blocking mesh networks attached. 

maybe I’m paranoid but this reminds me very much of the days when NYCwireless were being called “wireless pirates” even though we weren’t doing anything illegal. then Philly, then all the steakhouse bans on muni.

maybe this is not the place for it, but just wanted to raise a counterpoint to all the high-5ing

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