[Commotion-discuss] Local applications for your networks?

Andy Gunn andygunn at opentechinstitute.org
Thu Jul 24 10:25:09 EDT 2014

Hi network builders - I have a question for you all. We are planning on
putting together a listing of applications that would or could work well
as locally hosted services for community networks - i.e. chat servers,
file servers, blog platforms, etc.

What local applications are you using on your networks now? If you
aren't using any, are there applications you have looked into and / or
are interesting? Do you know if these can be hosted locally?

For instance:
* MediaGrid [1] - chat and file sharing
* Kiwix [2] - offline or locally hosted Wikipedia

Just compiling a list for now, thanks for all your help and input!

[1] https://github.com/dismantl/MediaGrid
[2] http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Wikipedia

Andy Gunn, Field Engineer
Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation
andygunn at opentechinstitute.org | 202-596-3484

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