[Commotion-discuss] How do normal home routers, as the WRT1900ac relate to, compare with the routers Commotion writes its software for?

Raymond Hubbard raymondlhubbard at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 10:20:08 EST 2016

I need to buy a router and am considering the WRT54GL at the low end
for immediate use or the WRT1900ac as one of a number of high-end
units, including a few Asus ones, and would like to know if your
software can be added to them or, rather, that I should add an
appropriate router that you've developed Commotion software for to any
home router I have?  I intend to replace my home router's firmware
with DD-WRT since I'm not knowledgeable enough to use OpenWRT.


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