[CMI-CM] a fun ride and the future

Jason Kwiatkowski lessthanjason at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 1 17:14:02 CDT 2001

wow, zach.  thanks for taking the meeting minutes from the last ride...

it seems to me that most people aren't really taking the whole promotion, 
flyering, and general xerocracy upon themselves.  hell, all i do is slap a 
sticker on a bike rack every now and again when i ride around, which has 
been relatively infrequently as of late (long irrelevant story).  would 
anyone out there be interested in a "propaganda ride" whereby a bunch people 
would print out flyers and stickers, then meet to distribute them and go 
around posting them everywhere?  a mid-month ride might work out well.  and, 
of course, since it would be almost like work, we could work in that 
"social" aspect you were referring to as well.  you know, to unwind after a 
hard day at work.

as for your little trailer stage idea...wood's heavier than aluminum, but it 
can be found in scrap construction piles all over the city.  just remember, 
theft from construction sites is a punishable offense, so I'm not advocating 
it one bit.  the previous statement was merely an observation.

ride on,

jason k
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