[CMI-CM] Critical Mass ride this Friday!

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 26 03:39:01 CDT 2001

Hey everyone,

Let's not forget about the Critical Mass bike ride this Friday.  It's the
last ride before the semester ends, so let's make it HUGE!  I hope
everyone can come, but either way, please tell your friends about the

Be there at 5pm (we'll leave around 5:15pm) at Alma Mater, Green & Wright,

It's a pretty busy Friday evening, I know, but I'll be there despite
it being a busy evening.  If we could get some tricksters to come
with and have some shows in intersections, that'd be awesome.  Maybe
we should bring bike-friendly radios if we have them?

Anyway, the last bit of promotion could help a lot.  I hope to put up
some more flyers and tag some bikes, depending on everything going
well for me in the next 12-18 hours.  Chalking could be cool, too, 
but I don't think I could help out much with that effort.

Hope to see you all Friday!  Let's make it as big as we can.


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