[CMI-CM] flyering update

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 28 15:26:02 CDT 2001

I actually did more flyering today -- last night I couldn't because the copy
shops were all closed or out of service.  The Quad and part of campustown
are covered.

I'll be doing some tagging and palmcarding during lunchtime on Thursday,
maybe also Friday if I have any supplies left.

I stopped by Bikeworks today to leave a more recent flyer there -- the one
he had was from the summer of 2000.  Bruce and I had a short conversation
about Critical Mass.  Initially he didn't want to me to put up a flyer
there.  He thinks Critical Mass isn't productive.  Eventually he let
me put up a flyer, but what I got out of the conversation is that there
are fellow bikers, advocates, and allies who don't agree with CM -- and
he isn't the first person I've met in that respect -- and largely they
feel that way because CM seems to mainly annoy car drivers, in their eyes.
I don't think we can ignore that point, although it may be arguable that
annoying drivers for a few minutes once a month is a necessary evil.
But perhaps it's worth reconsidering our tactics (perhaps even by biking
at 10mph instead of 5mph, for example) if it will get more allies on our
side, and perhaps we can keep both the message and the messenger alive
and well.


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