[CMI-CM] Critical Mass!

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 17 15:30:02 CDT 2001

Listening to the Critical Mass PSA right now on WEFT 90.1fm, I'm reminded
of how this month's ride is coming up in a little over a month.  We've been
growing over the past couple months, and it'd be great to continue that
by spreading the word and bringing friends and friends of friends.

It's never too late to start publicizing, and some material can be
found on http://critical-mass.groogroo.com.   You're welcome and encouraged
to make your own and get creative in how you inform.

I'm also excited that the last Friday in November is a week after Thanksgiving,
so we'll be able to have a November ride in full force.  


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