[CMI-CM] Portland Bike Movies, Tues 9/20 noon at Art Theater

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Sat Sep 17 12:45:17 CDT 2005

Hello Chambana bicyclists!

A representative of Portland, Oregon's thriving bicycling scene, Shawn 
Granton, will be in town next week to show off some videos documenting 
that city's many varied bicycling events.

Microcosm publishing describes these videos:
"A collection of short videos made in Portland about bicycles. The films
are really creative and varied. If you've been hearing a lot about all 
of the crazy bicycle stuff in Portland but didn't really know what was 
going  on, this is a good introduction to it. Many of the facets of the 
Portland  alternative bike community are represented here including 
ZooBomb, Bike Polo, Chunk 666, bike hauling and transportation, and some 
more creative artistic things (like the bicycle audio project). The 
collection leaves you with a feeling that you could not only go out and 
ride a bike but also make a short film about it!"

Portland is one of the country's most bike-friendly cities, and has a 
strong critical mass ride.

The videos will be shown at a special noon lunch-time showing at 
Boardman's Art Theater in Downtown Champaign on Tuesday, Sept. 20.

Please tell and bring all your bicycling friends!

More information about our host, Shawn:

Shawn's Urban Adventurer Blog:

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