[C-U Smokefree] Smoking law hit, lauded

kdrea at lungil.org kdrea at lungil.org
Thu Nov 13 09:23:06 CST 2003

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Smoking law hit, lauded 

Wilmette trustee defends lone vote, advocates choice

By Lisa Black
Tribune staff reporter

November 13, 2003

A day after the Wilmette Village Board approved the state's most restrictive anti-smoking law, supporters on Wednesday celebrated while the trustee who cast the only vote against the measure continued to insist the ban is a mistake.

"I'm finding today there are a lot of people who agree with me," said Trustee Beth Lambrecht, who opposed the smoking ban approved Tuesday in a 6-1 vote. "People should be free to choose."

Lambrecht, a non-smoker with asthma, said about 20 people stopped at her downtown jewelry store or e-mailed her to voice unhappiness with the ban, which takes effect July 1.

Others said they were pleased with the vote, which took place shortly before midnight Tuesday after dozens spoke for and against the ordinance.

Wilmette's law bans indoor smoking in bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, work places, country clubs and other public places. The law exempted a tobacco shop from the restrictions, officials said.

Six of the village's 39 restaurants allow smoking.

On Wednesday, blue signs supporting the smoking ban remained on front lawns. A Web site reported the board's vote, congratulated anti-smoking advocates and urged them to thank Wilmette officials.

"We're delighted," said Joel Africk, a Wilmette resident and chief executive officer of the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago. "This is really a great victory for the community. Five years ago was the last time Wilmette considered this issue, and it died for lack of a second [motion on the board]. This time, the community came out in tremendous numbers to convey their support for the ordinance."

Eric Smoot, 30, a Wilmette resident and personal trainer, agreed.

"Because of the research of secondhand smoke, we do have a scientific basis now," Smoot said. "I think it's the right thing to do. You might be putting somebody else's life in danger."

The village will notify Wilmette businesses about the new restrictions when it sends out its annual business license application renewals in December, Village Manager Michael Earl said.

Wilmette's anti-smoking law comes on the heels of a less restrictive ordinance that took effect in Skokie in August.

Skokie exempts bars from the law. It also allows some restaurants to install floor-to-ceiling barriers and ventilation systems for their bars.

"It's definitely going to hurt business," said David Moss, a server at Old Ouilmette Depot, a Wilmette restaurant that offers a smoking section. "It's not fair to people who want to come and enjoy their meal and a cigarette."

Evanston is expected to tackle the issue in the spring. The city's Human Services Committee plans a March 1 public hearing on a possible anti-smoking ordinance.

Evanston aldermen will review copies of the laws in Skokie and Wilmette, as well as proposals for a smoking ban in Chicago, said Jay Terry, the city's director of health and human services.

Copyright (c) 2003, Chicago Tribune

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