[C-U Smokefree] Anti-smoking law is sure to save lives

kdrea at lungil.org kdrea at lungil.org
Tue Nov 18 08:55:11 CST 2003

This story was sent to you by: Kathy Drea

Anti-smoking law is sure to save lives 

Janet Williams, Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco

November 18, 2003

Chicago -- The Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco commends the Village of Wilmette for making history on Nov. 11 ("Anti-smoking law is approved; Wilmette's extensive ban will go into effect July 1," Metro, Nov. 12). The village board approved a model clean indoor air ordinance that demonstrated courage and delivered a clear message: The health of Wilmette residents and their families is a top priority.

This measure is sure to save lives.

Thanks to new research, we know so much more today about the dangers of secondhand smoke, and the evidence is sobering. Each year secondhand smoke kills more than 53,000 American non-smokers who die from heart disease, cancer and lung disease. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Most disturbingly, secondhand smoke is classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Class A carcinogen, a category shared by asbestos and arsenic.

Ignoring these dangers is both irresponsible and deadly.

We applaud the Wilmette trustees who voted in favor of the health of the public. They are leaders who have set a standard for government officials in other communities to offer their residents smoke-free indoor air, especially in public places where food is served.

Research shows that adopting comprehensive clean indoor air laws do not spell economic ruin for communities and their restaurants. The tobacco industry and its front groups mislead the public with junk science and half truths. Smoke-free policies are a positive public health protection.

Everyone--patrons, children, hospitality workers--deserves to breathe smoke-free indoor air. Thank you Wilmette for making that happen.

Copyright (c) 2003, Chicago Tribune

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