[C-U Smokefree] Statewide ban

kdrea at lungil.org kdrea at lungil.org
Tue Nov 18 08:56:39 CST 2003

This story was sent to you by: Kathy Drea

Statewide ban 

Steve Jenne

November 18, 2003

Lake Zurich -- Congratulations to the Village of Wilmette for its decision to ban smoking. This is a great victory for the health of the citizens of Wilmette and people who visit there. I can only hope that the trend continues to spread throughout the Chicago area and that the restrictions are as encompassing as Wilmette's in other communities.

For those opponents of smoking bans that argue that bars and restaurants will suffer as patrons go to adjacent communities that might still allow smoking, I offer this suggestion: Contact Gov. Rod Blagojevich to show your support for a statewide ban on secondhand smoke.

Passage of a statewide law would put all bars and restaurants on a level playing field, and everyone would be happy with that, right?

Copyright (c) 2003, Chicago Tribune

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