[C-U Smokefree] News stories

Scott Hays sphcusmokefree at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 08:20:11 CDT 2005

Just wanted the group to know that there were not 1,
not 2, but 3 stories (that I know of) on the local TV
news yesterday about secondhand smoke.

1. Interviews w/ Matt and Mayor Schweighart on Ch. 3
at 10 - Matt pointed out again that the three known
strongest opponents are smokers and all Schweighart
could say is that he's worried about "outsiders"
influencing Champaign politics.

2. Following that, Ch. 3 ran a story that the
secondhand smoke is as bad as smoking and the negative
effects kick in within 20 minutes of breathing the

3. WAND did a story saying secondhand smoke is worse
than air pollution.

I'd like to claim some credit for all of these
stories, but we actually only had anything to do with
the first.  The two latter stories were generated
spontaneously by the two stations - I'm not even sure
where they got the information.  But I'm VERY  glad to
see the issue getting this much airplay in our
community - we couldn't ask for better support for our

Thanks again for all of your support!


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