[CUWiN-Dev] Moving over CUWiN website:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Mon Mar 7 20:18:03 CST 2005

Hi all,

As the number of people who are involved with the CUWiN project (as well 
as our public reputation) has increased, it's become increasingly 
difficult to keep our website updated with information.  I've talked with 
Chase and one thing that would be really useful would be to have many 
folks helping with website updates (many hands and light work and all 
that). Mainly, we think it would be great if we implemented a blogging 
system like drupal (which I was won over to a few month back for my own 
site and has been super-cool).  This would _greatly_ enhance our website, 
make it much easier to update, and give us access to many more features 
than we currently have.

Lemme know if there are any objections or concerns,


Sascha Meinrath
President                 *   Project Coordinator   *   Policy Analyst
Acorn Worker Collective  ***  CU Wireless Network  ***  Free Press
www.acorncollective.com   *   www.cuwireless.net    *   www.freepress.net

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