[CUWiN-Dev] Channel 11 -- signal degredation due to feedback & more info:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Mar 8 10:04:07 CST 2005


Date:    Mon, 7 Mar 2005 07:00:16 -0600
From:    Frank Bulk <frnkblk at INAME.COM>
Subject: Re: noise on channel 11

Sorry to follow up so late with Dave's comments.

Dave is correct in his assessment that we did not detect any additional 
noise on channel 11.  Scott, if you are suggesting that the SNR drops, 
that is correct, but not because of noise going up, but because of signal 
decreasing.  Cisco acknowledged that a certain CB21AG card version of 
theirs has had some signal degradation when transmitting on channel 11 
because of feedback into the radio.  We were not able to identify that 
specific symptom in the lab.  Cisco has also fixed that up in their latest 
CB21AG cards. Both cards use an Atheros chipset.

Atheros claimed that many vendors calibrate their radios to reduce power 
output on the higher channels to prevent leakage at the upper spectral 
range of the signal onto neighboring bands.  While we believe that this is 
possible, they never alluded to the problem or coordinated an explanation 
with Cisco.

Kind regards,

Frank Bulk

Sascha Meinrath
President                 *   Project Coordinator   *   Policy Analyst
Acorn Worker Collective  ***  CU Wireless Network  ***  Free Press
www.acorncollective.com   *   www.cuwireless.net    *   www.freepress.net

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