[Cu-wireless] My vision

Stephane Alnet stephane_alnet at ureach.com
Tue Apr 9 10:01:02 CDT 2002

Hi gang,

Ralph wrote:
> [...] Every business is connected, you can read your e-mail from your 
> laptop in any cafe and in any park.

Yup, and all my (yet-to-be-borne) grand-children will come with a cell-phone 
implanted under their skin close to their brains so that they can exchange 
information without even talking.
In the meantime we are trying to focus on the more down-to-earth aspects of the 
problem -- we don't miss visionaries in the group and you're welcome to join in, but 
be ready to stay in the rain holding the antenna and the coax cable while somebody 
else is fixating them. ;)

Jeffrey <jeffh at aceinternetsolutions.com> wrote:
> Since we are already set up in Chicago doing what you are 
> trying to set up[...]

Jeff, do you have a white-paper or something like that (web page..), that describes 
the local/wireless architecture of such a network? I have a hard time figuring out how 
to provide end-to-end IP to a closed network (like a community wireless network) 
unless you assign an AS to it, which would mean you have an organization 
requesting that AS (among other things like public IP space, etc.). If you have 
already gone through that kind of work, that would be *very* helpful for the ones of us 
currently trying to figure out how to scale that thing past a dozen nodes. :)

Thanks all, and don't let my rant keep you from thinking things out loud!

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