No subject

Sun Feb 8 02:50:13 CST 2004

On October 25, 2000, the Commission further amended the rule so that it
applies to customer-end antennas that receive and transmit fixed wireless
signals. This amendment became effective on May 25, 2001.
Q: What are "fixed wireless signals"?

A: "Fixed wireless signals" are any commercial non-broadcast
communications signals transmitted via wireless technology to and/or from
a fixed customer location. Examples include wireless signals used to
provide telephone service or high-speed Internet access to a fixed
location. This definition does not include, among other things, AM/FM
radio, amateur ("HAM") radio, Citizens Band ("CB") radio, and Digital
Audio Radio Services ("DARS") signals.

The text itself is here:

I tend to agree with Peter on that one (although none of us is pretending
to provide any kind of legal or other advice in any form, in case somebody
asks). There's a number to call the FCC on the first page I mentioned. ;)

> > If that reading is still correct, Urbana (at least) does have such a
> regulation against APs for roaming; that's why cell coverage is so bad.
> The reason for it is not something civic-minded free-community-network-
> advocating people generally protest: that cell towers are ugly and
> damage the nice residential nature of, for example, Tree City USA =)

Couldn't find it. :D

Probably in the missing Chapter 5 about Building Code.. :(

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