[Cu-wireless] Still need information for ESRI application

Wendy Edwards wedwards at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 9 11:45:35 CST 2004

Thanks!  IMHO, the most important thing we're getting from ESRI is
the GIS data, which is already free on their website.  I'd like to use
a free/open-source product called JUMP
(http://www.vividsolutions.com/jump/) to manipulate/display the
data.  I've already downloaded the Champaign County data and pulled
it into the default JUMP application.  It worked well.  I'd like to
combine this with some open-source tools that display network
information (status, traffic, etc) for the CWN information system.
There were some earlier suggestions about using tools developed by
the Navy, and I can look into these and see what else is out there.

The biggest challenges of the CWN information system are probably
going to be reliability and user interface design.  I can write
up something about this for the website/wiki if that would be


> I don't know what this stuff buys us over using open-source solutions --
> especially given that this wouldn't be generalizable to other community
> wireless groups because of the cost.  I'd be weary about spending any
> funding on this unless we have a clear idea of why it is essential.

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