[Gas] Re: debugging question

Sigfried Gold sigfried at onthejob.net
Thu Jun 7 06:29:56 CDT 2001

I put the following code in my main cgi script:

$::SIG{__DIE__} = \&stackTrace;

sub stackTrace {
    use CGI;
    if( defined CGI::param('debug') && CGI::param('debug') ) {
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        my $text .= "<FONT COLOR='red'><TABLE BORDER='1'><TR><TD>STACK TRACE</TD></TR>\n";
        my $i = 0;
        my $pk = __PACKAGE__;
        package DB;
        while( my @r = caller($i++) ) {
            $text .= "<TR>\n";
            $text .= join("",map { my $x = $_ || '&nbsp;';"<TD>$x</TD>\n" } @r, @DB::args);
            $text .= "</TR>\n";
        $text .= "</TABLE></FONT>\n";
        print $text;
        package main;

It worked to give me good line numbers for where DBI was dying.  I doubt this
is the best solution because it's probably going to mean that Gas's normal
error handling doesn't happen correctly.

Any ideas on how to get the benefits of doing a stacktrace from a die handler
within Gas's normal error handling?


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