[Gas] MASSIVE cvs commit

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Tue Mar 13 02:13:07 CST 2001


I have just committed changes to many lines in many files. I have
removed all the tabs in all code indentation and turned them into
spaces and I have fixed the formatting of all files. 

This means that when you run cvs update you _will_ have a lot of
conflicts in any files you have changes since your last update. I'm
sorry but this was unavoidable and better done now than later. 

Please set your editors to insert spaces instead of tabs and to use an
indent level of 4 spaces.

In .emacs do this:
(setq-default require-final-newline t)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(autoload 'perl-mode "cperl-mode" "alternative perl mode" t)
(setq cperl-font-lock t)
(setq cperl-electric-lbrace-space t)
(setq cperl-electric-parans nil)
(setq cperl-electric-keywords nil)
(setq cperl-indent-level 4)

In vim or other weird editors I leave it to Bob Cook to explain what
to do (I know all the non-OJC people on this list use emacs).

I highly encourage the use of emacs and cperl-mode for editting perl
source code and note that xemacs is available for windows, linux, and

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
An amusing breakdown of how I want to spend 202 out of 168 hours every week:

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