[Imc-events] This week @ the IMC

Isaac Burgess isaac at ucimc.org
Fri Jul 17 15:54:25 CDT 2009

*Hello all!*Here are a few of the exciting things happening in the coming
week at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center, and also some updates
on things that have been happening here lately:

IndyMedia & Arts LabWe have been enjoying great success with the Indy Media
Lab!  We have already accomplished so much in the way of gardening, radio
production, painting, and learning instrumentation through percussion just
to name a few! The kids are really enjoying the camp and are learning so
much about themselves and their community in the process. The instructors
and volunteers are also learning many things from the kids about youth
culture today and how to get them engaged and interested in the arts.

Highlights include painting with Cameroonian artist Benjamin Betcham,
percussion and sheet music lessons with Andy Burton, and soil testing for
the community garden.  Please stop by the IMC and check out the program!
Youths are here Monday-Thursday from 9am-3pm.  And, keep your eyes open for
news about the IndyMedia and Arts Lab in the Buzz and on Channel 3!

mRec Hosts: Icon for Hire w/The Lifeline, Realign, The Rose McCoy, As Bound
With Them, and Victory Over Tyranny When: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm, Saturday, July
18th 2009
Contact: pretix at mancinirecords.com

Mancini Records presents, in concert: Icon for Hire. Also with The Lifeline,
The Rose McCoy, As Bound With Them, Realign, and Victory Over Tyranny
Socialist Forum When: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Saturday, July 18th 2009
Where: Family Room

Meeting of the minds to socialize and plan events.
wordcity When: 10:00 pm - 1:00 am, Wednesday, July 22nd 2009
Where: main stage
Contact: 217-721-5609

rap/hip hop show

*IMC Open House - July 25, 2009     11am-1pm*

The IMC Community Connections and Librarians groups welcome all working
groups, individual members, volunteers and community members to the first
IMC open house! Saturday July 25th from 11am-1pm.

This is an event to encourage mingling of IMC working groups and to welcome
the community to see what we're all about. Community Connections is
envisioning this as a very loose "IMC Info Fair", where each working group
has a small table or area to promote their unique activities. The IMC Open
House will hopefully become a regular event to welcome and introduce new
volunteers, staff and visitors, as well as promote the community spirit that
connects us all at the IMC.

*IMC Summer Saturday Skillshares and Super Skillshare Extravaganza*

The IMC will celebrate summer with skillshare events throughout August,
ending with a day-long skillshare extravaganza. Every Saturday in August
(8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22) from 11am-2pm, you can come learn something new
(please bring a snack). We will finish out the summer on Aug 29th, with a
full day of skillshare workshops and lunch provided by Food Not Bombs.

What's a skillshare?  It's an space/place where we learn from one another- a
place for sharing practical skills to live more happy, creative, and
sustainable lives. Learning is plentiful, happens everywhere, and doesn't
need to come with price tags or expert degrees. We are all teachers. We are
all students. We want to live with enthusiasm, so let us learn with vigor!

How can you participate?
Host a skill share!  We need you to support this project by offering up your
skills. You don't need to be a seasoned teacher- this informal setting is a
great way to share your wealth, and we're available to answer any questions.
Sign up on the website (website address) or contact skillshare at ucimc.org for
more info!

Look for our schedule of skillshare workshops soon!
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