[Imc-fiscalissue] post-steering query

David Gehrig zemblan at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 4 19:11:00 CDT 2005

Zach -- the statement was well-received, and there were only two
issues that kept us from consensing on it.  First, it was a very
sparsely attended meeting -- less than a dozen, considerably fewer
than attended the previous meeting --  and we didn't have a
quorum of working groups.

Secondly, we want to give Sascha -- whose connectivity is
sporadic, I understand -- a chance to comment as well.

There was a general sense that the statement should be
released just as soon as possible.  So -- if I understand what
happened right -- we're considering it as consensed on but
rather than giving the usual week for a response from
working groups who weren't there to raise concerns, we're
giving it two weeks.

There were _no_ concerns about the text itself, only about


On Jun 4, 2005, at 6:52 PM, Zachary C. Miller wrote:

> Could someone who was at steering clue me into why nothing was
> specifically consensed upon regarding our proposals? Was it that there
> weren't enough people? Were there significant concerns about our text?
> Had people not gotten the emails with the proposed text? Was there not
> enough time in the agenda to discuss these items? Was it that there
> weren't spokes from all the working groups?
> I'm not saying it's a bad thing or that anything was done wrong, I'm
> just missing context from the minutes about what actually kept these
> proposals from going through.
> I'd kind of (perhaps overly optimistically) hoped that we'd get
> consensus (or if not, then a list of concerns to address) on the
> statement of apology so that we could get it published globally and be
> done with it. I hope that in two weeks we can actually make this
> happen and not face a bunch of new concerns out of the blue at that
> meeting.
> If there were concerns at the meeting I'd especially like to know what
> those were.
> -- 
> Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://zach.chambana.net/
> IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
>  Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
>  Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology
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