[Imc-makerspace] Makerspace Meeting?

Erich Heine sophacles at gmail.com
Sat May 7 22:22:58 CDT 2011

Hi everyone,

Since this meeting is only like a week away, I thought it might be a good
idea to work up an agenda and some general thoughts on organization.  So
here is a suggested agenda:

1. Short term Makerspace plans/goals (what we want to do for the next 3-5
   a) Workshops
   b) Space cleanup/organization
   c) web presence
   d) budget/financial stability
   e) expand open hours and increase accessibility

2. Assign ad-hoc committees/chairs/responsible parties towards these
goals -- these are not "forever" positions, or even positions of authority.
Instead I am thinking just a person or group with the autonomy to get the
job done for now, because something is better than nothing.

3. Discuss membership -- what does it mean,how does it happen, who tracks
it.  If anyone was around for previous discussions and organizational stuff
when Makerspace Urbana was being formed, your input would be much
appreciated. Doubly so if you type it up before Saturday, so we can all be
well informed, and avoid rehashing a bunch of stuff.

4. Discuss longer term issues:
   a)  What structure does the Makerspace take in the future
   b)  How do we deal with growth
   c)  What is our role in the community (c-u, tech, the world, etc)
   d)  What needs to be done to sustain this group
   e)  Random/crazy/"impossible" visions for the future the group

I have put the agenda in this order for a specific reason. I am aware that
this may appear to be backwards, depending on the type of organizing you are
used to -- usually the "what are we" type discussions get settled first. My
thinking in this case is that the Makerspace already exists, but needs some
stuff done. So we should decide to do that, and just get it done now. The
bigger picture and structural stuff can be done in parallel to general
situational improvement.  Another reason I am suggesting we do structural
and vision stuff in parallel to practical in-situ stuff is that I suspect a
method and structure will start to emerge as go forward.  This can of course
change and grow, but it is easier to modify a structure that exists rather
than one that is only imagined.

Comments, suggestions, etc?


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Brian Duggan <bcdugga at gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks like Saturday, May 14 from from 6pm to 8pm is open for the
> highest number of us. I propose that we meet in the Makerspace around 6
> on that day.
> I like business meetings that are under an hour, but meeting at 6 will
> give us a little more time to discuss things if we need it. Besides,
> it's a Makerspace meeting. It'll be fun!
> The only person that is interested that can't make it is Jeremy. Jeremy,
> do you think you can finagle your schedule to meet for some of that time?
> Finally, so we have a good idea what we're going to talk about on the
> 14th, let's hash out a brief agenda and start some initial discussion on
> the list. The theme is "organization". Go!
> Brian
> On 5/6/11 9:04 AM, makerspace.derekdagit at spamgourmet.com wrote:
> > I have a bunch of Makerspace times blocked tentatively reserved on my
> > calendar.  Have we decided when/where to have the meeting?
> >
> > http://www.doodle.com/itdwebb3hn3mshm5fq2zxws3/private
> >
> --
> Brian Duggan
> Technical Projects Developer
> UC Independent Media Center
> http://www.ucimc.org | 631 223 8442
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