[Imc-makerspace] Servo Questions

Brady Salz brady.salz at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 20:45:05 CDT 2011

Hi there,

I'm on the University's Baja SAE team (we build/race dune buggies), and for
the first time we have someone who is wheelchair-handicapped. We want to
make sure everyone can drive (always a yearly goal), so obviously a physical
pedals won't do it. We think the basic solution is going to be rigging up
some racing bike-esque brakes handles to the steering wheel for use as
throttle/brake. They'll control a potentiometer of some kind (thumbwheel or
whatever is easiest to rig up mechanically) which some small chip (they want
to use Arduino but I'm leaning towards a smaller AVR) will send as a reading
to a servo, which'll actually move the throttle switch. It really doesn't
need that much torque, as the physical resistance is fairly low, but the
thing needs to be able to handle a Baja race. We'll secure it down as best
we can, but at the end of the day there will be some jostling. Any

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