[Imc-members] May Board Meeting Minutes

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 19 13:34:22 UTC 2013

May Board Meeting Minutes posted below and at: http://www.ucimc.org/content/important-documents
Minutes for
UCIMC Board Meeting (5-14-13) 
Gary Storm, Durl Kruse, Carol Ammons, Caroline Yang, Zernial Bogan, David
Green, Deloris Henry, Sundiata Cha-Jua, Rick Esbenshade, Rachel Storm, Ricardo
Guest: Chris
David Green
A.      Additions to
proposed agenda (see attached) 
·         Volo contract: friendly amendments from
Ricardo Diaz:
o   concerns
about relative priorities between IMC and Volo—IMC should have priority; 
o   safety
issues regarding structural integrity of tower, and assumption of liability for
anything they put on tower; 
o   concern
about telephones, especially one at RFU radio station;
Ø  Board endorses the spirit of Ricardo’s
concerns; representatives of Board (Gary, Danielle Chynoweth) are empowered to
address these concerns in negotiating with Volo 
B.      Approval of
minutes from 4-16-13 
Ø  Approved by consensus
C.      Public
Comment Period (Guests) 
D.      Working
Group Updates (15 minutes)
E.       Operation
Manager’s Report (see addendum)
·         One space (223) open on June 1st
·         Request review of procedure for working group
·         Request official recommendation for use of
Family Room and Meeting Room in relation to School for Designing a Society—refer
to Programming Committee
·         Discussion of location of Zine Library in
place where they can be actively managed and used
·         Facility updates, outstanding issues
·         Extension of hours, key issues, transition
·         Discussion of security matters in relation to
maintaining open hours, added hours for building maintenance, and added payment;
Operations Manager role in setting hours and need for extended hours (for post
office boxes)
·         Parking spaces available
·         Quad day table staffing
Ø  Motion to hire Mr. Russell to open building
at 7 a.m., close at 11 p.m.; complete walk through in evening; and pay him an
extra $100 per month (total $900); motion seconded; if for some reason Mr.
Russell cannot perform his duties, he will call the Operations Manager, and the
Operations Manager will call an appropriate person to perform the
opening/closing duties.
Ø  Approved by consensus
F.       Board Committee
 1.       Finance
Committee (Durl Kruse)
·         One time yearly expenses coming up in
o   Audit $6700
o   Property Taxes $7200
o   Rain damage repairs $1600
·         Carol Ammons request budget amendment for
extra travel expenses for Allied Media Conference
Ø  Motion to support reimbursement for Carol’s
travel to Allied Media Conference for up to $400, will include half of her housing
and per diem of $29
Ø  Consensus achieved
·         Need recommendation from Facilities Committee
for water pump replacement
·         Issues regarding Books to Prisoners late
fees; general accounting issues in providing notice of late fees
·         Monthly rental checks being collected in more
timely way with accounting system
·         $8,000 in sustainer’s fund for possible use
for repair expenses
2.       Building/Facilities
Committee (Gary Storm—new chair)
 ·         Roof leaks/repairs
·         Air quality issues
·         Modifications in Post Office area 
·         Issue of payment for installation of fan for
post office; suggest formal meeting regarding rental of space as well as fan
3.       Personnel
Committee (Deloris Henry)
4.       Fundraising
Committee (Danielle Chynoweth/Rebecca Ginsberg
5.       Program
Committee (Danielle Chynoweth/Rachael Storm)
·         Suggest development of volunteer pool to
assist Operations Manager
 G.      Action Items
1.       Board member
assignments to Standing Committees
H.      Discussion
1.       Board member
I.        Next meeting: June 18, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
Attachment 1
Danielle and Gary:
I am thankful that you two have progressed this contract
because we all need it and we need the offloading of functions since Chris
can't be doing the whole of tech. I think you have discussed the points I
mention but I am not sure where I might see the following in the enclosed
1. You mention the phone lines in the email but I see nowhere
in the contract that this is so. While it may be part of the Volo network, it
should be specified.
2. That RFU gets a phone line (or for that matter, that
anyone gets it). The VOIP ones are a matter of a jack (magicjack makes one and
comes w/ the software) but Volo may have its own solution
3. The contract specifies in 2c that Volo gets to minimize
its technical problems in placing with first priority, IMC second. This cannot
be so. In fact, the contract should say that any placement of Volo equipment
that interferes with our radio signal must be placed elsewhere. We would then
consult with them for another renter but we should not commit to have them be
the first consideration before us and any other contract/renter we can get.
It's like lending them the entrance to the building and relegating us, on
paper, to the back or the leftover room.
4. The tower is built to higher specs but 24 dishes (2b)
puts on a certain wind shear that is higher than pole antennae; they should
take care of calculating the load on the tower is within safety parameters. At
minimum, they should spell out that any damage done to the tower as a result of
their equipment is their responsibility.
5. 3a also implies that they have permission for more
equipment but this needs to be spelled out that we have the right of refusal
especially when safety, cost, or liability would be on us.
I understand we need the technical support and the amount
specified on credit may be enough but to be clear, the UC2B provides us with
the fiber capacity that a Volo network would be redundant to. The added
services, therefore, should be clear enough that they can be talked about:
phone lines and tech support for....servers, connection, our equipment
troubleshooting and/or failure.
They are getting an otherwise unavailable range into
downtown at a great height
does so the first benefit is not for us if they have first
priority for the space and any equipment they need to put up. Also there should
be written and photographic record of everything they put up so that we can keep
track of who is climbing the tower or roof. We right now have some equipment on
the roof that we don't know whose it its.
Ricardo Diaz, IMC Board Member
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