[Imc-newsroom] IndymediaCommunications/data request/IMCcontacts: *Quick response needed*

Richard Malter rmalter at email.msn.com
Tue Mar 13 05:11:58 CST 2001

Contents: WHAT, WHAT TO DO


Dear Indymedia global contact list recipient,

You are currently included on this list as the contact for a local IMC, or
another IMC working group. This list is used by the Communications group to
coordinate global processes.


Please help us (the Communications group) update this list.
Please reply to this mail at imc-communication at lists.indymedia.org giving us
the following data:
1) Your name :)  ?
2) Which local IMC you are part of; or which other working group you are
part of within Indymedia ?

* Please remember to send your reply to
imc-communication at lists.indymedia.org *

Thank you for your help. Best wishes and regards,

Indymedia Communications group.

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