[Imc-radio] news coordination funding:

jplanet10 jplanet10 at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 21 07:29:39 CDT 2003

i can be there, but have a competing meeting just after 7.


On 4/16/2003 10:55 PM, Danielle Chynoweth wrote:

>Hi all -
>I think the Radio group needs to convene to address some of the issues
>about process that have been raised.  I was the radio spoke at Steering
>today and there are some important report-backs I need to give and we need
>to respond, as a group, about.  I am afraid Clint it being burdened with 
>responsibilities he should not have to take on - responding for the group 
>on issues we all need to address.  I think coordinating production
>online is working, but this discussion needs face to face.  It would be
>helpful to have the CCC there too.  
>Can we meet at what used to be our Radio meeting time next week -
>Thursday, April 24th at 6:30 PM?  Please e-mail this list as to whether
>you can make it or not.
>Responses to Sascha below.
>> just a quick reminder (having just done first quarter taxes) that there is
>> about $500 in funding available to spend on news coordinator-related stuff
>> (e.g., equipment, travel to conferences, etc.).  keep this in mind.
>I strongly suggest Clint goes to the GRC which is June 12-14th in Moab 
>> also, i believe danielle is applying for a grant renewal -- the due date
>> is coming up soon, so please help her out when she needs info.
>I will need support to do this.  I have established a relationship with 
>Funding Exchange, but could really use a writer to piece pieces out to 
>since I am unbelievably busy.  Any takers?

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