[Imc-radio] minutes for 3.2.04 meeting

herringb at prairienet.org herringb at prairienet.org
Wed Mar 3 13:59:40 CST 2004

hi IMC Radio group

Has anyone done a piece on Stelle, Illinois, or on Earth Day in Stelle,
IL, for IMCRN in the past?  If so, PLEASE contact me and let me hear the
piece you did, so that I don't retread old news without mentioning your
piece.  Or if you remember such a piece but don't recall who produced it,
please tell me, and I'll search through the archive.

Here's a proposal for the feature I'd like to contribute:

The Community of Stelle, Illinois, located 30 miles Southwest of Kankakee,
is known as the "Solar Power Capital of the Midwest."  It runs its own
independent telephone company, electric utility, and is in the process of
establishing a chlorine-free drinking water processing utility.  The
people of Stelle also helped build the first ever straw-bale house in

The history of the community is rather a strange one:  The town was
founded in 1963 by a non-profit organization dedicated to the New
Age/mystical teachings of Richard Kieninger.  Kieninger later proved to be
a charlatan cult figure, and the Stelle community distanced itself from
him and his teachings.  Today, the town is dedicated to research and
implementation of developments in sustainable living, natural building,
renewable energy, permaculture, and people-power.

On April 25, Stelle will host its annual Earth Day Open House, featuring
tours and presentations about its water, electric, telephone, and internet
utilities, its nearby straw-bale house, its permaculture gardens, and its
way of doing things in general.

I hope to do some interviews with people in Stelle, and then produce a 7
or 8 minute piece to be aired on IMCRN on April 19.  The piece will
provide background and preview in order to "plug" Stelle's Earth Day Open

I will keep an eye on IMCRN meeting notes to see who the producer of the
4/19 show will be, and hook in with that person ASAP.

Meanwhile, please add my story to the whiteboard, and PLEASE PLEASE do let
me know if there is ever a chance of an IMC Radio News meeting after 8PM
on a Monday or Tuesday.  That would be when I could attend.


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