[Imc-radio] space and equipment update

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Sat Dec 17 17:18:55 CST 2005

The audio workstation now works! - thanks to Daniel, the angel who
descended today to paint everything in sight and fix the audio
workstation. It's online too.  You can log on with chyn/chyn in the domain
IMC for now.  In the future, we can create logins for each person working.

Thanks to Melodye the IMC staff room is a beautiful brick color. Dave J
hung the door - yea!  Bob has put locks on the doors and brought equipment

The Post office workspace was painted, light casings hung, and outlets
covers put on - thanks to Bob, Chris, and Daniel.  The lobby is finished
except for the drop ceiling and trim stain.

Thanks to Doug and Donovan, the RFU drop ceiling is getting put in.  Lobby 
drop ceiling to ensue.  Lobby is done being painted.  Chris hung a 
beautiful RFU sign over the window today.

The front doors now work better - we had Cliff fix them.  I will be 
painting them over the holidays.

The ADA bathroom is now officially ADA complaint.  It should be used by
IMC staff and volunteers (incl RFU DJs) and USPS employees.  Audience
members for events should use the basement bathrooms to avoid clogging the
first floor.

The RFU waiting area is now clear of lock boxes and table.  It needs a
nice set of chairs, a coffee table, and some cleaning and paint on the
walls.  Anyone want to take on setting this up?

We passed our final electrican inspection - yea!  I am pursuing a
permanent certificate of occupancy for the first floor (we have a temp one
now).  We need a final plumbing and space inspection - this will happen
this week.  The RFU window will be temporarily boarded up to get this
certificate - we will then install a much smaller fire proof window in
that area.

As I said in Feb when I was given the "job," I am "resigning" as volunteer
construction manager at the end of this year so I hope to have all my
responsibilities done by then.  


- danielle

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