[Imc-tech] PDC notes

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun Nov 17 17:34:18 CST 2002

Here is what I have accomplished so far in the way of making DEWEY
into a PDC.

The firewall's bind is now authoritative on a bogus "urbana.imc"
domain for our local subnet, and its dhcp server will hand out static
addresses to Mojo, Sergei, and the staffing and public computers.  So
you can ping {ns, mojo,sergei,staff,public}.urbana.imc from within the
subnet.  This was needed to make the PDC work.

Of these machines, all but the public computer can log into the domain
"IMC."  Of course, only I have a username/password yet, but once I get
the kinks out others will too.  Logging in gives you roaming
profiles on dewey (i.e. the same application settings et al regardless
of your machine) as well as a mapped "Z:" drive with your home
directory on dewey, so you have your own private server storage.  I
also tweaked some buffer and TCP settings on samba to make the
performance of this reasonable.

I have maybe another day of work before I can start enabling other
accounts and transitioning the IMC to use those accounts.


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