[Imc-tech] transitioning to dadaimc

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Fri Sep 6 21:00:45 CDT 2002

On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 09:47:56PM -0400, Alan Bushnell wrote:
> Hi,
> I work w/ the DC IMC, we were investigating moving to the dadaIMC
> software from Active and noticed that you seem to have accomplished
> this.  Have an scripts and tips to share on this?  There are quite a few
> IMCs that are interested in making this transition.
> You may want to post your work to the dadaIMC mailing list (see
> www.dadaimc.org) and the main imc-tech mailing list.

I have a perl script which converts an Active database and media uploads
into a working dada database, and which creates a table to allow you
to rewrite old links on the fly (for people who have bookmarked old
articles.)  However, I would rather wait a few days before posting it,
because we just went live to dada this afternoon, and it's probably
there are bugs.  I will indeed post the script when I am confident it
is relatively bug free.


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