[Imc-tech] Mappings

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Fri Sep 6 21:07:40 CDT 2002

I put in some redirects to make the old top level links like /about.php3
and /donate.php3 work correctly with the new site.  I also created a
new table in the dadaimc database called "activemap" which maps
article ids from the old software to the new.  I used this to create a
fake front.php3 on the new site, which allows bookmarked articles to
find their target in the new site, i.e.


will redirect to


The only reason this is necessary is that the old active database has
"holes" in it, i.e. missing articles.  I could have written the
conversion script to create corresponding holes in the id-space of the
new database, so that there was an identity mapping between the ids,
but oh well, live and learn.   The current scheme is more general
anyway, and could be used to create a new dada site out of multiple
old databases, given that it doesn't assume anything about matching
ids.  (And hence yet another bug becomes a feature.)


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