[Imc-tech] Re: [IMC-Process] RE: the urbana-champagne IMC

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Tue Sep 17 18:35:52 CDT 2002

Dan? This isn't by chance the same Dan that has been banned from the
U-CIMC website because he continuously spammed (as an example:  our banned
Dan posted over 70 articles in less than an hour) with anti-zionism
articles, and off-topic rants in essence inciting hatred against Israel
and Zionism.  Please note, our banned Dan was not banned due to content.
He was banned due to intentional abuse of our website policy, on which he
was directed to many, many times before he was even warned about the
possiblity of being permanently hidden (the U-C IMC's way of banning
someone).  We even had to move our newswire to autohide for ALL articles
coming to it, because the frequency which our banned Dan posted his rants
were more often than any other posts which came in, so it became easier
(less time consuming) to unhide posts which were within the wide margin of
appropriate website site usage.

By the language used in the Dan speak below, it sounds really similar to
the Dan speak of our banned Dan.  If this person is really hoping to help
rekindle the IMCP, there's going to be serious trouble for the IMCP, since
I really doubt he could (if it is the same person) work with IMC-Israel

just a heads up (somewhat on, and off topic, i suppose, but i had to speak

someone who volunteers for the u-c imc
(and no the u-c imc does not take any political position on the subject of
israel or zionism....the folks who migrate through the u-c imc perhaps
would favor peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in the "middle" "east",
but that's the individuals, not the collective known as the u-c imc)

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, safe dropbox wrote:

> Dan (cuibono) claimed earlier today:
> john's very reasonable sounding submission is actually
> nothing more than another pro-zionist/pro-israel
> attack in retaliation for my efforts to counter the
> Zionist Consensus so assiduously maintained by our
> media/government Hype-ocracy.
> Last night, since I found it refreshing to be attacked
> in a relatively sophisticated style, presenting a
> marked contrast to all the usual stupidity of the
> nadines and jeffs, I spent more time than I should
> have making a pt by pt refutation of everything John
> had to say.
> And then something strange happened -- I was typing
> directly into the "add your comments" box, so I could
> go "back" to see exactly what John's words were,
> clause by clause, then Fwd again and rebut them --
> when I must have hit the wrong key or something
> because I suddenly lost the IMCP page completely.
> Which I guess tells me that the Karmic Administrators
> found me to be wasting time on something of low
> priority.
> So I'm not going to throw more good labour-time after
> bad unless there is some demand that I do so. I just
> hate to retrace my steps anyway.
> As far as the Urbana -C. IMC is concerned, who knows?
> Only closer investigation will establish anything one
> way or the other. I have too much on my plate to even
> think about opening their site to see what's on it.
> But maybe there will be those in the indymedia orbit
> who will assign themselves the task?
> If there is no explicit language calling for the
> replacement of the present Capitalist Hype-ocracy by
> something more humane and intelligent -- there should
> be.
> If there is no language explicitly condemning Zionism
> and all its works, there needs to be a project to
> draft such language immediately and offer it to the
> members of the network for adoption forthwith.
> All else is hypocrisy. Or at best, naive ignorance.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/75532_comment.php#75647
> Dan is definitely passionate about his beliefs, but
> has he crossed the line and become strongly
> prejudiced? I'm concerned because Dan may be chosen to
> help re-launch IMCP and am less then confident he can
> work fairly with Israelis (including Zionists
> organizations like B'Tselem). However, by Dan's own
> admission, he has a very limited capacity in that
> respect.
> More so, if Dan's baseless accusations against UCIMC
> and John are any indication of his judgment, will Dan
> be dependable enough to apply the IMC ethos fairly to
> all?  Indymedia has already lost the backing of AIC
> because of "extremist" ideology -- shouldn't the
> Indymedia network protect a re-launched IMCP from
> suffering the same failure twice?
> concerned,
> anon
> Please read these other statements made by Dan:
> All my PFLP-oriented associates thought I had lost my
> marbles, because I balked at all the touchy-feely with
> the Liberal Zionists. The only people I had any
> contact with then who realized as I did -- actually
> better, in more detail, than I did since my
> information sources were so limited -- were a few
> local Muslims who declared themselves to be adherents
> of the Movement for Islamic Jihad. Or maybe adherents
> could be overstating it, maybe "fans" or something
> would be closer to the fact.
> But I did go on record that the whole "peace process"
> was a swindle. I did cut all ties with the PSC* and
> CDP** in an effort to get some attention. But that was
> the wrong move; I was simply dropped, forgotten,
> irrelevant, expendable. You live and learn. "No hard
> feelings" said the burnt child.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/71218_comment.php#71735
> "Yes, it is my opinion -- guesswork certainly -- that
> most damn Jews alive today are no damn good
> hypocritical lying racist sonsofbitches like you...
> Of course there is a population of some size of Jews
> in the US who do not deserve to be criticized along
> with the rest. I have no idea what the actual numbers
> might be...
> Could the actual number who are some good be as many
> as five pct of the total? I'd be surprised if it was
> that high"
> I believe it is a falsehood to say that there is a
> Jewish or Zionist Plot to take over the world -- on
> the contrary, it should properly be designated the
> Dixiepublican Militarist - Zionist Tricknologist
> alliance plot to take over the world. Or does this
> slight the Jewish investments in the Military
> Industrial Complex too much?
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/70008_comment.php#70349
> Have you seen this Hussein Ibish that is now the pres
> of ADC? The AmericanArab antiDiscrimination Committee?
> The way my mind works, the minute I saw his puss on
> the TV I said (outloud to myself) "Where did they get
> this asshole?" Then I read one of his printed
> statements, and said hey, this is pretty good. So I
> said to myself maybe I been too hasty again. Let's
> check him the next time he's on Oh Rile-ee or
> Hardball. And so I did, and he did a better job of
> coping with the telegenic bodach's games. But he still
> Jest Dint Look Rat T'mi.
> And now I find he is spearheading some move like the
> one they made on KPFA, to get rid of the locals who
> built the local chapters out here, and appoint more
> discreet types from the Central Office. But it may
> have some complexities? So we shall see. But in my
> estimation, Ibish is even sicker than Zogby, which is
> saying something. I wouldn't follow either around the
> block or trust them farther than I could throw a
> conniption fit.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php
> are there any Jews in the USA today who are not
> "professionals"?
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/70639_comment.php#70909
> Well, anyway : it's not over till it's over, so help
> me Joe Montana. So keep your powder dry, Don't Give Up
> The Ship, and don't fire till you see the whites of
> their, of their, their... What's white and Kosher?
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/72262_comment.php#72482
> Use your fucking head. All this fourth of july crap is
> just so much manipulation. Same way the Jews sell
> soap.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/74380_comment.php#74458
> Talk about "Old Money" -- when the first bunch (Jews)
> landed in New England in 1654, some of the Puritan
> (sic) fanatics wanted to expell the "christ-killers"
> (sicker) but the head of the Netherlands West Indies
> Company wrote back and said: lay off, these people own
> a large part of the Company and you yourself are peons
> -- so shut up if you know which side of the bagel gets
> the cream cheese...
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/74414_comment.php#74447
> Where once the roster of Wall Street firms was
> dominated by old line, Mayflower era etc WASP names --
> nowadays every Wasp firm has its kosher partner. Or
> under the same name has become known as a Jewish firm:
> ie, Merrill Lynch. "Salomon Smith Barney", etc etc.
> A few years ago there was much squawk in Ivy League
> circles about "JAPs", "Jewish American Princesses".
> But now the scions of the Old Families have stopped
> objecting publicly.
> The charge of "paranoia" is so absurd. Do you really
> expect everybody to ignore the evidence of their
> senses forever because you Zionists keep claiming
> Antisemitism every time somebody points out that the
> fabric in the Brahmin Caste's New Clothes is
> exceedingly sheer?
> In the words of the only living Jewish Prophet:
> "Hath Not A Jew Credit Cards?"
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php#68032
> Zionists have now taken the place of the South African
> Apartheid enforcers/supporters as the leading scum of
> the earth.
> And intimidated/bribed UN majority notwithstanding,
> zionism is pre-eminently an ideology and practice of
> racism, deriving its principles from the same Blut und
> Boden tradition as Bismarck and the Reich of Kaiser
> Bill.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/65607_comment.php#65620
> Yes, not all Jews are Zionists -- just the vast
> overwhelming majority. What the exact ratio might be
> is at this point a matter of conjecture, as far as I
> know. Their may be some polls extant on the question
> but not that I have run across. Perhaps if you know of
> such you could enlighten us?
> For the record, no one has been quicker to object to
> the use of racial epithets and slurs on this site than
> yours T., a fact well known to the IMC purists who
> make a fetish of allowing any idiot to say the most
> offensive and stupid things lacking any pretense of
> redeeming social value. But we are facing something
> extremely dangerous in this Zionist entity, this two
> headed monster with one set of fangs in the Mideast
> and the other based in lower Manhattan in some tall
> buildings.
> But perhaps you yourself, Mr Curtis, have never had
> the pleasure of visiting the big apple? brooklyn?
> Queens? There is a saying "the army is run by the
> sergeants." There is another which some would no doubt
> label an Urban Legend which says that Wall Street is
> run by Jews. I am not talking now about the top policy
> making positions -- but about who staffs the ranks of
> professional level operatives. At one point, back in
> the sixties, most of these positions were reserved for
> white male grads of Ivy League universities, ie WASPs.
> Now they are predominately filled by white male Ivy
> League Jews.
> Oh -- did I forget the legal profession and the
> courts? The ranks of Judges? Law professors? The
> Supine Court itself, in all its kingmaking glory?
> Yes, Mr C, there are some anti Zionist Jews in this
> country. I should know, because over the last twenty
> years I have become friends with most of them.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php
> When was the last time anyone reading this encountered
> a US Jew who was not swimming in affluence? Jews are a
> privileged caste in US society.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php
> Antizionist Jews have to be exceptionally perceptive
> and courageous people, and those I have met and had
> dealings with who were genuinely thorough-going
> antizionists, rather than "Liberal Zionists" of the
> Tikkun/Peacenow variety, have my unreserved
> admiration. There are also a small number of Jews who
> are -- while uninvolved in political affairs -- very
> much free of the pathology which seems to grip the US
> Jewish population as a whole -- a pathology which is
> bound up with zionism and the zionization of US Jewish
> life, but also affects even many Jews who consciously
> believe themselves to be opposed to zionism, and who
> actually do some of the best work to oppose isreali
> aggression etc that is done...
> The number of Jews in the country as I have heard it
> reported is I believe about six million? Of course the
> zionist establishment has severely limited the kind of
> data the census bureau can collect on Jews so all
> statistics become a little suspect.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php
> Anytime a media outlet publishes something to which
> the Zioniss Lobby objects, even in a small town such
> as Sacramento, the next day the newsdesk and the
> editors up to Mrs Besler Heaphy and down to Ms
> Gonzalves will be flooded with calls, emails, and a
> personal visit by a delegation headed by Eliot Brandt
> who has now taken over the job of Head Zionist
> Thoughtpoliceman from Robt Dresser, who has returned
> his focus to his engineering firm and the many
> lucrative contracts he holds for reports on flaws in
> the city's infrastructure, sewers, storm drains etc.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/67856_comment.php
> anti semitism in 2002 ce is a very low priority
> problem, since most of it is funded by the zionist
> apparatus, for reason A) discredit criticism of
> izrawhell (hi svalk!) and B) keep US & other affluent
> Jews paranoid and donating to the coffers.
> http://jerusalem.indymedia.org/news/2002/09/72911_comment.php#73108
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