[Imc-tech] Re: [Imc] Re: [IMC-Process] RE: the urbana-champagne IMC

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 17 20:53:01 CDT 2002

That's our boy. BTW, he has resumed his attacks here today, after
several recent visits. Anyone wanting to keep tabs on this can check the
Hidden Articles page here. I was going to let people know this had
resumed this evening, just so that people would be prepared to discuss
it at Tech on Wed.

I've only replied to this message internally, as I think we should
discuss any official response we may wish to make beyond our personal
views. I did reply persoanlly to this post today, which I actually think
was likely posted by DAN, in a vein very similar to what Brian has
written here, which is just the way it is, whether he likes it or not:

Mike Lehman

Brian Hagy wrote:
> Dan? This isn't by chance the same Dan that has been banned from the
> U-CIMC website because he continuously spammed (as an example:  our banned
> Dan posted over 70 articles in less than an hour) with anti-zionism
> articles, and off-topic rants in essence inciting hatred against Israel
> and Zionism.  Please note, our banned Dan was not banned due to content.
> He was banned due to intentional abuse of our website policy, on which he
> was directed to many, many times before he was even warned about the
> possiblity of being permanently hidden (the U-C IMC's way of banning
> someone).  We even had to move our newswire to autohide for ALL articles
> coming to it, because the frequency which our banned Dan posted his rants
> were more often than any other posts which came in, so it became easier
> (less time consuming) to unhide posts which were within the wide margin of
> appropriate website site usage.
> By the language used in the Dan speak below, it sounds really similar to
> the Dan speak of our banned Dan.  If this person is really hoping to help
> rekindle the IMCP, there's going to be serious trouble for the IMCP, since
> I really doubt he could (if it is the same person) work with IMC-Israel
> peacefully.
> just a heads up (somewhat on, and off topic, i suppose, but i had to speak
> up),
> brian
> someone who volunteers for the u-c imc
> (and no the u-c imc does not take any political position on the subject of
> israel or zionism....the folks who migrate through the u-c imc perhaps
> would favor peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in the "middle" "east",
> but that's the individuals, not the collective known as the u-c imc)
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, safe dropbox wrote:
> > Dan (cuibono) claimed earlier today:
> >
> > john's very reasonable sounding submission is actually
> > nothing more than another pro-zionist/pro-israel
> > attack in retaliation for my efforts to counter the
> > Zionist Consensus so assiduously maintained by our
> > media/government Hype-ocracy.
> >
> > Last night, since I found it refreshing to be attacked
> > in a relatively sophisticated style,

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