[Imc-tech] Re: [IMC-Process] RE: the urbana-champagne IMC

safe dropbox safedropbox at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 22 05:16:05 CDT 2002

Dear Jewish friends: Zionism IS racism; "isreal" is
THEFT (thanks, M. Proudhon) Theocratic Apartheid
"delendi est" (ie, must be destroyed). 

Hopefully, US Jews will soon have a mass Epiphany, and
will rise up en masse and repudiate the crimes that
have been done in its name over the last eighty five
years since the British Ahmy entered Jerusalem and the
Barfoul Declaration gave the stolen property to the
Jewish recievers. 

Come on, Jews! You are supposed to be highly
intelligent folks -- if you apply yourselves I'm sure
you can figure this one out pretty quickly? All you
have to do is take an un-preconditioned look at the
historical record. 

But you will have to get past the Vicarious
Identification Syndrome -- that mechanism that
determines that since I live in San Francisco, I root
for the Giants; since I am a Jew, I root for Israel. 

Try to think like Moses for a moment? In your mental
processes take overall responsibility for -- not just
the Nation of Israel? Not just the Yuman Species? But
try to think as the Steward of Organic Life on Earth? 

Is it so hard to realize that to have a mass murdering
War Criminal and a Klavern headed by a petty small
town Kleagle making decisions which affect the future
of our entire species, of the conditions of all life
on the planet, is kind of a dangerous thing? 

Aren't there a few more Jews out there with the balls
to step out of line, and join people like Lenni
Brenner and Adam Shapiro in an effort to save an
endangered species... YOU?


Things are moving here -- there will be chaos on the
major campuses soon; big demos and civil disobedience.
By the Nov Election there will be talk of "Public
Disorders". A lot depends on just when Bush announces
the invasion of Iraq -- which will be met with a
shitstorm. Opposition this time will be much broader
than to the Gulf War. 

But this war is one of Protracted Struggle, so get
yourself a Compass and prepare for at least a few
decades. Big Defeats and Bigger defeats may be in the
future -- I expect to get my ass kicked seriously
within the next year now that the zionists have zeroed
in on my email address. But my ass has been kicked
before so no biggy. Ain't got that much longer to live
anyhow, right? 

Might make a good novel? "Suicide By Zionism"? 


Peter Lee's third sentence is a Jewel! 

"And in place of the Monroe Doctrine (which, we might
remember, has justified pre-emptive military assaults
against our little amigos in the Western Hemisphere
for 200 years), we have the Bush Doctrine (pre-emptive
military assaults everywhere)." 

The world is now "our" backyard -- "us" meaning the
Dubya Klavern and yarmulke-wearing pals. 

Whaddya mean "antis-emetic"? If a fascist wears a
skullcap, we aren't allowed to notice? 

People need to be warned that any yarmulke-wearer you
see in public is probably -- Probably! a zionist who
will take your name and report you to the Authorities
-- the isreali authorities of course, who did you
think I meant? 

No, I am NOT "prejudiced" -- I never render a final
verdict until the evidence has all been presented and
considered rationally. But I AM pre-suspicious now --
every Jew I meet now has to prove that she/he is "one
of the good ones" before I feel comfortable around

Course I don't have to feel totally comfortable around
somebody to co-operate with them in carrying out some
task. And they don't have to be comfortable hanging
out with me either just to do a little work. 


Just how biased can a volunteer be and still be
trusted to uphold the IMC ethos? You might find this

Created by psychologists at Yale University and the
University of Washington, this collection of Implicit
Association Tests (IAT) measures unconscious bias. We
invite you to test yourself and reveal what may be
lingering in your psyche. Each test takes about five
minutes, and your privacy is protected -- no
identifying information is collected or distributed. 

Your test results may disturb you -- more than one
million tests have been taken and the majority reveal
unconscious bias. Dig Deeper into the science behind
the tests, into stereotypes and prejudice, and into
the societal effects of bias. -

A Web project of the Southern Poverty Law Center,
Tolerance.org encourages people from all walks of life
to "fight hate and promote tolerance."


--- Brian Hagy <bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org> wrote:
> Dan? This isn't by chance the same Dan that has been
> banned from the
> U-CIMC website because he continuously spammed (as
> an example:  our banned
> Dan posted over 70 articles in less than an hour)
> with anti-zionism
> articles, and off-topic rants in essence inciting
> hatred against Israel
> and Zionism.  Please note, our banned Dan was not
> banned due to content.
> He was banned due to intentional abuse of our
> website policy, on which he
> was directed to many, many times before he was even
> warned about the
> possiblity of being permanently hidden (the U-C
> IMC's way of banning
> someone).  We even had to move our newswire to
> autohide for ALL articles
> coming to it, because the frequency which our banned
> Dan posted his rants
> were more often than any other posts which came in,
> so it became easier
> (less time consuming) to unhide posts which were
> within the wide margin of
> appropriate website site usage.
> By the language used in the Dan speak below, it
> sounds really similar to
> the Dan speak of our banned Dan.  If this person is
> really hoping to help
> rekindle the IMCP, there's going to be serious
> trouble for the IMCP, since
> I really doubt he could (if it is the same person)
> work with IMC-Israel
> peacefully.
> just a heads up (somewhat on, and off topic, i
> suppose, but i had to speak
> up),
> brian
> someone who volunteers for the u-c imc
> (and no the u-c imc does not take any political
> position on the subject of
> israel or zionism....the folks who migrate through
> the u-c imc perhaps
> would favor peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in
> the "middle" "east",
> but that's the individuals, not the collective known
> as the u-c imc)

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