[Imc-tech] [Imc-finance] re: about streaming media servers (fwd)

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Apr 18 11:02:15 CDT 2003


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 17 Apr 2003 17:27:30 -0700
From: Agent Humble <humble at monkeywrenchcafe.org>
To: imc-tech at lists.indymedia.org
Cc: imc-finance at lists.indymedia.org
Subject: [Imc-finance] re: about streaming media servers

Hi there,

We've setup another machine here in Vancouver (shiva) devoted to
streaming. It's presently just running Darwin Streaming Server for
special projects where the bandwidth is being covered as we don't want
to get swacked with more bills.  However, I'm completely happy to put it
at IMC's disposal if the bandwidth would be covered by a sponsor paying
cash in unmarked small bills -- euros, preferably ;-)

My preference would be to support technology that's open source (ogg,
vp3, etc.) and P2P (streamer, peercast, etc.)

Let me know...


From: 	Sheri Herndon <sheri at speakeasy.org>
To: 	Sascha Meinrath <sascha at ucimc.org>, imc-finance at indymedia.org,
imc-tech at indymedia.org
Subject: 	[IMC-Tech] about streaming media servers
Date: 	17 Apr 2003 12:19:29 -0700
sascha shared this to the imc finance list from the urbana's

"I don't have a particular problem here.  HOWEVER, I would love for
to be better streaming support in the network.  Here in Urbana, for
instance, we have no streaming media, even though we now have active
and radio groups producing things that would find bigger audiences if
streamed.  Video, in particular, can't really be uploaded to groogroo
because downloads jam the bandwidth.  So -- could we get in on some
streaming, or maybe get a streaming server here via the global, with the
intent of serving the midwest?"

hi everyone,

i agree that this is a need.  i know there is a donor who would like to
give some funds to about 5 different imcs, primarily outside the us.
i'm wondering if there's a way of assessing which sites would be good to
offer this donation to.  any ideas?


You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a NEW model that makes the existing model

Buckminster Fuller

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