[Imc-tech] spam filtering

Zachary C. Miller zach at chambana.net
Tue Nov 30 20:08:29 CST 2004

The spammers are winning their war against the spam filter. The
bayesian filter is getting all kinds of false positives and trapping
legitimate email messages.

I'm disabling Bayesian filtering and upping the spam threshold in
general which means more spam is going to get through but that less
legitimate mail will get trapped.

In the future I am going to change the way we handle spam on
chambana.net by making the filter only tag spams with a special header
and then having the mailing list software trap tagged messages and
hold them for moderation. This will mean a little more work for the
list admins but it means that falsely identified spams will have a
chance to get through when the listadmin sees them. We'll effectively
decentralize the spam checking process because there's no way I can do
it all myself.

People with chambana.net end user accounts will get spam sent directly
to them delivered to them with the tagged headers and I can help them
set up procmail filters to place that in another "junk" folder.

But that is all for the future, for now I'm just loosening the spam
detection rules so expect a slight increase in the amount of spam
getting through for a little while.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
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