[IMC-Tech] Tech space needs

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 6 10:24:49 CST 2006

There are a number of places Tech could locate stuff, Daniel.
For storage, the annex to the artists collective is attractive,
since it is the designated location for a shop (and is not
leased by the collective). An nice feature of this room is
that it is kept locked by the collective (#4 key). Right now,
there is a lot of stuff stored in the corner of the B2P annex,
but I suspect this is better used for a secondary production
room and a small meeting room. I'm expecting some shelving in
the next couple of days. I'll notify you when this happens,
and you, RFU, B2P, and other parties that might be interested
in the shelves can get together and negotiate the best place
to put them.


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