[UCIMC-Tech] Re: Email bug? [some messages accepted by peace-discuss aren't going out?]

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue Jun 26 15:47:11 CDT 2007

On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 03:32:16PM -0500, Bob Illyes wrote:
> Hi Stewart.

> I tried to post the following to peace-discuss, with subject
> line "Mike's house". I see that Jeff Machota had a similar
> problem. Do you see anything in the following that would cause
> it to be rejected?
> Bob
> -----------------------
> Mike's house was damaged by an arsonist, along with several other
> houses in his neighborhood. The front porch was pretty much burned
> off and the first floor has serious smoke damage. He says he has
> good insurance on the house.

Oh, no!

But as for the e-mail problem -- yes, that's funny.  I don't understand
what might be going wrong.  If you look in the archives,
   and follow the "Peace-discuss Archives" link
then all the messages are there.  The last few in the "Date" list are:

# [Peace-discuss] Pentagon   Chuck Minne
# [Peace-discuss] Pentagon (e-mail technical etiquette)   Stuart Levy
# [Peace-discuss] off topic/mike lehman   Jeff Machota
# [Peace-discuss] Pentagon (e-mail technical etiquette)   Jeff Machota
# [Peace-discuss] Mike's house   Bob Illyes 

and there are no articles queued for moderation.

Of the above messages, I haven't received Jeff's "off topic/mike lehman"
nor your "Mike's house" message, but did see the others, including
Jeff's "Pentagon (e-mail technical etiquette)" one.

I know there are outgoing mail logs, but don't know how to
look at them, nor whether I have permission to do that.
But someone at imc-tech should be able to.


   Stuart Levy

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