[Imc-production] Re: [UCIMC-Tech] production room cleanup > Re: RFU Public Files

Andrew Ó Baoill andrew at funferal.org
Mon Apr 21 20:29:08 CDT 2008


Thanks for volunteering. As a fellow volunteer I appreciate your  
contribution to our operations.

I think you misunderstand my comments about the 'production group' -  
it's not that it has been dormant, it's that there hasn't previously  
been a production working group. Creating a list to manage code  
access to the room isn't the same as having a working group that has  
rights and responsibilities within the IMC structure. I can find no  
record of a production group being recognized by Steering (or of such  
a proposal being made), a necessary step for it to be vested with  
power over access to IMC resources. This may appear pedantic - but a  
transparent structure and process is necessary for participation to  
be properly fostered. Creation of an informal group can perhaps occur  
by fiat, but creation of a group claiming ownership/stewardship of  
IMC resources (particularly resources as central as our audio and  
video production) *must* occur in an open and inclusive manner.

In a related vein, I agree with your calls for consensus - my  
concerns are in part that recent steering meetings have not been  
announced to the IMC list (as required by our structure document) and  
this and other issues mean that participation is not being  
facilitated and encouraged in a manner consistent with our mission or  
necessary for a healthy IMC community.


On Apr 21, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Chris Ritzo wrote:

> I'd like it known that I came forward to suggest working on the  
> production workstation, and the production room, to make good on a  
> commitment I made in the tech group meeting a couple months ago to  
> work on the production workstation since Dan and Josh's duties have  
> piled up.  Tommy, Dan and others in the shows and tech groups have  
> spearheaded this long before me, so I'm glad you guys spoke up.  My  
> suggestion to move things in or out of that space was to make room  
> in there to work on this project.
> I've only been involved as a volunteer and IMC member for 6-8  
> months, but one thing I've learned is that no single person makes  
> decisions about the space. And just because a group is inactive  
> doesn't negate its existence or mean that it's been made up. This  
> is a democratically run organization after all, and we need to come  
> to consensus.
> Before I joined the tech group last fall it was Dan and Josh. If  
> requests seem to be taking time, consider that we're all volunteers  
> here and for active members how quickly tasks/requests can pile up.
> I'm not saying this to back out of helping on this project, or to  
> counter your concerns Andrew, but to ask that you give the process  
> a chance and bring the concerns to the appropriate groups to start  
> the discussion.  Dan's suggestion of reviving the production group  
> is the right way to go, and all the interested members from other  
> groups should join the list and make the Wed. meeting.  We all  
> believe in the mission of the IMC enough to donate our time, money,  
> and creativity, and in that sense we're all on the same side of this.
> Hope to see you Wednesday.
> -Chris

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